This past Tuesday, I went to see Dr. Bucky with my list of questions and for him to look at his new creations. I swear that man is amazing! When I looked at pictures of augmented breasts from an A cup to a B or C cup, my breasts looked just like them. So why is this so "amazing"? When the breast surgeon removes all of the breast tissue, the breast is left as basically just skin. Therefore, when the plastic surgeon inserts the implant into the muscle pocket created by the expanders, he has to recreate a breast without any tissue surrounding the implant and use only the silicone (or saline) implant to mold and recreate a new "breast". If only I could post pictures so you could see exactly what I am referring to when I say "he is amazing"!
I was a bit disappointed when I was knocked back from an A++ down to an A+ but that is my own fault. As you have probably surmised so far, I hate taking drugs. Even Val and I have parted ways permanently. I hate taking drugs so much that I failed to take the important drug that he gave me at the end of the surgery which is Methylprednisolone. So now, two weeks post-surgery, I am taking them. Damn..I loved that A++ too!
Today, I am sitting at my laptop at home in Bluffton, South Carolina sipping my coffee and writing this all down. It has been one heck of a journey and I am glad that I am at the end of it. I will post on occasion so that you can gauge my progress but I really feel like the only thing left is for the scars to heal. So far, the scars from the first operation are slowly fading and I have moved onto the cocoa butter option rather than the Neosporin treatment. Every day, I have to massage the implants because this is the crucial time that they need to be moved so that they do not become hard and continue to soften to feel more breast-like. In terms of comfort, well...I am not going to lie. They are still "burning" but Dr. Bucky told me that it is the muscle that is just not used to having to change its shape forever. It really doesn't like those implants in there and it is making its voice heard. I hear you but TFB muscle....!!!
If there is anyone reading this blog and is contemplating going through a bi-lateral mastectomy, please please do not ever hesitate to email me or call me. My email is and I can send you my phone number if need be. I hope I helped some people. I've already heard from a few women and I truly enjoyed talking and emailing them. The whole purpose of writing was to be candid and honest about LCIS and the mastectomy process. I hope I was insightful. Thank you for listening to me while I wrote down my thoughts along this three month journey.