Friday, January 14, 2011

Are You Serious?

Yesterday, I decided to go to the gym on-site in our new South Carolina community.  It is gorgeous.  I noticed that there was a Precor Stationary bike that allows your torso to remain still and not have to rely on weight pressing down on my arms.  I thought I should try it out since I haven't done any physical activity for one full month.  I got dressed in my workout attire and drove over to the gym since it was still too cold to walk there.  I know, I know...wimp comes to mind since I just moved from the northeast to the southeast but, still, it was 30 degrees and I was a little trepid since I did not know how I was going to feel afterwards.I decided to step on the scale in the ladies locker room.  Now, keep in mind, I knew I had gained some weight within the last month since my pants were snug around the thighs but that would normally be the case since I haven't exercised for a full month.  After I had pulled off as much as I could to get that number down to the lowest it could be, I stood there stunned and almost in tears.  I was the heaviest I ever was since the "Freshman 15" a mere twenty-five years ago!  I gained 6 pounds in one month.  Seriously?!  How can that be?  I was doing Boot Camp on the steps of the Art Museum only two months ago and was in the best shape I had been since I used a personal trainer.  UGH!  Maybe it was the saline?  I mean, that IS water, right?  It had to be!  Please God, tell me, it just had to be the extra water weight...please.

So now, I got my fat ass on the bicycle and did 30 minutes.  I felt that I did not want to jeopardize the healing so I would have to only do a little in the very beginning.  In addition, I did not want to hurt myself in the process.  While I was on the bike, I thought about the weight gain and decided that I just had to send an email immediately when I got back to the house to the nurse at the plastic surgeon's office to see if, perhaps, this really was the case.  I will interject, at his point, that I have always been neurotic about my weight since I was a child.  I know I am not overweight but, in my eyes, I consider my weight like an tachometer that shows the RPMs on a car.  I know where my RED ZONE is and I was there!
My email to Lisa (nurse):
Hi Lisa,
I am adjusting slowly to South Carolina.  I am also improving significantly.  So much, in fact, that I rode the stationary bike that does not put any pressure on my torso which will not strain the muscles in the breast area.  I was shocked a bit by gaining 6 pounds but I have a question about the weight gain.  I know I probably put on a little bit but I was wondering if you could see how much saline in in the expanders and does it add weight since it is water based compared to a barely size A breast that I had previously.  Also, shouldn't silicone weigh less than saline implants?  I know I sound neurotic but this is the heaviest I have ever weighed in my life and I am just trying to understand the reasons as to "why" that is so.  Thank you.
And her response was:
Arlene, I am glad that you are adjusting to SC. As far as weight gain, it is not atypical for any
surgical patient to gain a few pounds either fluid shift related or lack of activity. I am sorry to tell you that the expands don’t weigh all that much…at most a pound. Yes silicone is lighter so there is a rainbow of good news!
Best wishes

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