It's midnight and I am crying. I guess it finally hit me that my sister has to endure chemo for a year starting next Tuesday and it just sucks. Do you know the thing that really gets me? The whole reason that I chose the mastectomy is to not have to have chemo (hopefully) in my lifetime and, lo and behold, my sister gets diagnosed with breast cancer, has her mastectomy and NOW has to endure chemo! So, to say the least...I am sad, mad and hurting that she has to go through this. It was bad enough to watch my mom go through it years and years ago and, here we are again. The only thing that is different is that my mom did not do preventative chemo but, instead, had to go through it years later when the cancer returned in the form of bone cancer. At least my sister is going through all of this as a preventative measure.
If you have LCIS and are contemplating what to do, my opinion strongly says to go through with the mastectomy. My sister had the "wait and see and be vigilent" stance and now look what she has to do. You can't predict the future but if you can prevent this misery, then by golly, give up those boobs and get on with life. I will get off my soapbox now. I feel better. Thank you for listening....and please say a prayer for my sister that this gets easier.
Your sister is very lucky to have your love and support. Just be there for her.
ReplyDeleteI have briefly skimmed through your postings regarding your experience with LCIS as I too opted to have the bi-lateral surgery (3 years ago) followed by the Tram Flap Reconstruction.
I've also started a blog to serve as a vehicle for my 'voice.' I've always intended to write and this was a good way to help me become more disciplined with it, as I am a huge procrastinator. My blog includes opinion pieces, and essays. I am a free-lance writer, but it's been mostly for home decor mags in Canada, but I needed to do more, so I started this blog. I intend to create another one at some point, to showcase my other passion.. home decor.
I have written 4 of 5 postings on my experience with LCIS to date. You might find it interesting. I wanted women to know about this subject (LCIS) because there was very little on the subject. My first of 3 biopsies to remove the 'sinister' clusters of calcifications was over 13 years ago and since then, there's been one short study that is discussed in the 5th version of Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book (a wonderful source of breast information).
The results of that study thought it shocked me, I somehow wasn't surprised. It also served to support my decision for the mastectomy. I have absolutely no regrets about that decision as I felt that I was watched over from beginning to end and knew intuitively that this was the right answer for me.
I am currently working on the 5th and final posting of my LCIS experience. If you would like to read my blog I'm happy to have you visit and please feel free to share it with other women who might be going through this. I would like to link your blog to mine and would be happy to have you do the same if you are interested. Here is my contact information...
Linda Borland-Fitzgerald