It's been well over a year and a half since I had this surgery and I am amazed at how many emails and phone calls I still get. I cannot thank you all enough for your kind words. I decided to write this blog because LCIS is such a unique diagnosis and along with its uniqueness comes varying decisions about what to do next. Ambiguity is the word most used to describe the thought process since there never seems to be a "set" prescription for treatment. You are not alone in that thought process. In fact, it's what makes the process so difficult. I urge you again, to email me or call me if you have any questions about what direction I took and/or what I wrote about in this blog. If I can reduce even a minute or so of stress in your lives, I will gladly do it.
Hi Arelen! My name is Sandi and I have been diagnosed with LCIS for 4 years. The insurance companies are starting to deny my MRI's which were peace of mind for me. I am very interested in talking to you about your decision for a double masectomy and how you went about it. Sincerely, Sandi