Thursday, June 23, 2011

One More Operation (seriously?)

Wow.  It certainly has been a long time since I posted.  I guess you probbly have figured out that my life is pretty much back to normal.  I am doing spinning classes religiously three times a week and have really watched my food intake in a major attempt to lose those 6 stubborn pounds acquired from this ordeal.  I know, I know.  It's only six pounds but I have tried to justify them telling myself that my boobs are so big now that they are the reason for the additional weight gain.  Unfortunately, I am just too smart to fall for that......and my clothes are too snug to ignore it.  Therfore, I am trying desperately to lose that ONE pound in hopes that the momentum will accelerate and the other five will follow shortly.  That, my friends, is the plan.

Now, onto the subject at hand.  One more operation.  Yes.  But here is the story.  Last week, I had my final check in with the amazing Dr. Bucky and his staff.  I was photographed for my records and everything looks pretty good.  When you look at my boobs, however, there is a sunken area at the very top part called the "upper pole" where it dips down since there is no breast tissue there anymore.  It was suggested by the good doctor that I have a fat graft done to alleviate that problem.  My deduction for the year has been met so I thought, hmmm, why not do everything now so that I can look as good as can be going forward.

"What is fat grafting?", you may ask.  It is where they take fat from one (or more) sections of your body and reposition it in another area of your body.  There is a chance that the body will absorb the fat but, for the most part, it should stay in place.  The fat is liposuctioned from the thigh or tummy area and then transfered into place.  I know, I know.  You are thinking, "Way to go girl!  That is surely one way to get rid of those six stupid pounds!"  Believe me.  That did cross my mind.  I now understand why people do plastic surgery.

My feeling, at this point, is that I have just gone through a mastectomy six months ago with three months of annoying tissue expanders and, gosh darn it, I am going to look the best that I can look.  Therefore, I am opting for the fat grafting....with the additional bonus of thinner, outer thighs!  Target date is the end of August I will be in touch :)