Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Quick Test

Every Wednesday, I drive to Savannah, which is only twenty minutes away, for my half hour lymphatic massage with Hope Lyons.  Usually, I have to take a valium because, when she is finished, my body aches with muscle pains.  She is extremely gentle when she massages but, apparently, the massage loosens up the muscles in my chest area and also in my back and brings on a good solid throbbing for at least a full day.

I think I may have mentioned this before but a lymphatic massage releases quite a bit of fluid into the lymphatic system.  So much that by the time I drive back home, I already had to go to the bathroom three times.  This is over a one hour period!  On the way back, I stopped by the fitness center and I decided to weigh myself on their scale.  You know that horrible scale?  It is the evil one that told me I gained a bunch of weight during the past month and a half.  Well, lo and behold, the new number went down two pounds! anyone undergoing a mastectomy now or in the near future, it is now evident that fluid does indeed build up in the breast area using the tissue expanders.  Yes, I know this doesn't explain the other four pounds and I will have to attribute those to inactivity but, boy, do I feel a lot better!

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