Thursday, December 16, 2010

Back Home

I will do my best to write a little but then I need to sleep due to all of this valium.  But when I awaken, I will post further.  Monday (B Day), I went to get marked at the plastic surgeons office so I looked a little like those idiots on Extreme Makeover with magic marker on their breast, noses, tummies, you name it.   My markings were only on my breasts.  I did however, try to get a two for one deal for the little fat pockets under my armpits that tends to show itself after 45.  No go on that...but I tried!  I was then dropped off at 9:30 to pre-op at Penn Hospital but waited and waited untl about 1:30 to go under.  Both doctors had operations beforehand so I guess they ran late.  i remember nothing except waking up and looking at the clock in the post op room which said 6.  I dozed back again and then woke up in my room where the clock read 8 pm.  Wow...long day!

1 comment:

  1. Arlene Marie

    glad you are home
    hang in there- EL
