Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Drains out while boredom sets in

I am most certainly on the fast track for getting the expanders out and the implants in.  To give you an idea of a "normal" timeline, the operation would take place and then two weeks would pass when the first expansion would then occur.  Two more weeks would pass and then another expansion and so on until the appropriate size was met.  Then a period of "down time" would occur so that the muscles could acclimate themselves to the new position; then, wa la...expanders would be echanged for implants in an outpatient operation.

Since Dr. Bucky is trying to accomodate me before I move out of state, we have been on the accelerated program.  Yesterday has been one week since I had the operation and, as of yesterday, I have had two expansions.  They do not hurt.  It just feels like heavy pressure against your breast bone while the saline injection is pushing the muscle outward.  I was probably most thankful for the two drains that were attached to the tubing under my armpits that were finally removed.  Those, my friend, were torture.  First of all, you feel like Frankenstein with electrodes hanging out of your body and then you have to figure out where to hide those dangly things.  Although I have to admit, the farthest I ever got was from the downstairs kitshen to the upstairs bedroom and, on occassion, to the doctors office hidden in a huge coat so it didn't matter too much but it sure was a bit painful.  But, yeah!...they are now gone and good riddence!

So my day consists of sitting and watching stupid TV shows like The Housewives of Beverly Hills and Wedding Makeover shows.  I cannot believe that I actually sat and watched 3 episodes back to back of these spoiled, trampy women and could not tear myself away from the TV.  So that's it!  No TV at all today.  I will be reading instead and then, maybe, I will allow myself a show after 7 pm.  My brain will turn to mush pretty soon and I will never be able to hold an intelligent conversation ever again.  I feel better with an ocassional twinge of pain here and there but my brother, who has had many opertions in his lifetime, told me that no matter how good you feel at the moment, do not do anything because your body is still healing and you will set yourself backwards.  I am taking that advice to heart.

Tomorrow, I have another possible expansion after I get my lymphatic massage.  My sister-in-law had a breast enhancement last year and had used a lymphatic drainage massage specialist for a few months afterwards and she swore by him.  It helps release the lymphatic fluid and helps to keep the "girls" soft and subtle.  My doctor told me that when you look at women with boob jobs and they have that strong ridge on the top near their clavicle, the main reason is that there is a lot of scar tissue and it hardens.  Massages help enormously in breaking down the scar tissue.  I already found a masseuse in Savannah to continue this routine since I want to appear as natural as possible.  I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.  Right now, I will head back to my chair and grab my new book that I have not even opened and hide the TV remote control and try really hard not to eat any more Christmas candies.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Arlene

    you are doing great and its so encouraging to hear, hang in there and we will chat on line soon
    take care,
